Earn 1 Point for every dollar coin-in. 600 POINTS = $1.00 WINDS Play or FOOD CREDIT.
*Some benefits based on the level of carded play. Carded play qualification may be based on previous 90-day or six-month carded play.
WINDS Play (points/promo) Per Transaction and Daily Download Limits: PLAYERS CARD - $100/$500; MACH 1 - $250/$1,000; MACH 2 - $250/$1,500; MACH 3 $500/$2,500
Points are not transferable and food credit points and comps cannot be used for alcohol or gratuity.
Club WINDS Card Tier level based on six-month qualification periods from January 1st - June 30th and July 1st - December 31st.
Card Tier Level status based on base points only. Bonus Points do not apply to Card Tier status.
**WINDS Hotel discounts apply to current room rate and based on availability; $50 credit card deposit required.
***Must present MACH 2 or MACH 3 Club WINDS card at Park City Arena Box Office (limit 2 tickets per transaction; no online orders), some restrictions apply.
Two (2) complimentary event/concert tickets, upon request, based on previous 30-day carded play, at time of request.
VIP Parking privilege is for qualified MACH 3 Club WINDS members ONLY with a minimum of 300,000 points earned in qualification period; privilege can be revoked at any time.
All rewards and benefits are subject to change without notice. See Club WINDS for complete details and rules. Must be at least 21 years old to become a Club WINDS member.